Finishing the Bike

To explain the Acewell speedo cable "hack" I needed to convert the hall sensor signal into a consistent digital output. The hall sensor creates a small signal blip on every revolution, which is inconsistent in length and amplitude, but consistent in time. This is incompatible with the Motoscope Tiny, which they tell you directly in the manual. I needed to add a feature that I assume is built into the Acewell gauges that make them work, which is something called a Schmitt Trigger (oooo science). The Schmitt Trigger detects that inconsistent signal blip and converts it into a signal output that is consistent in length and amplitude. I found this awesome and crazy smart Swiss dude named Jörg Hau that makes Schmitt Trigger modules specifically for Acewell hall sensors connecting to various motorcycle gauges, along with a bunch of other cool motorcycle (and non motorcycle) gadgets. The connection was inline-ish, simple and hidden away under the...